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Election of Officers

Executive Board Elections to be held Saturday in May (Date: TBD)

The executive board positions of President and Treasurer hold a 2-year term and will serve LMBA for the 2022 / 2023 seasons. 

Look out for the information for the table in May to go and vote for these critical positions of LMBA's leadership.

Further information on the qualifications of persons eligible for these positions can be found in the League By-Laws available as a download from the website.

Nominating Process

Every year the LMBA holds elections for its board of directors. During odd numbered years the positions of Vice President, Secretary, and Player Agent are open for election. During even numbered years the postions of President and Treasurer are open for election.

Since 2019 is an odd numbered year we will be holding elections for the position of Vice President, Secretary, and Player Agent. In order to be considered a person must nominate themself for a position. A person may also be nominated by another member of the league. However, to be considered, the person nominated must accept the nomination before their name  will be placed on the ballot.

Candidates must;
A. Be a La Mirada resident for President & Treasurer.
B. Be in good standing within the organization and have no disciplinary actions during the current season.
C. Have served as a board member for one (1) season.

You may submit nominations to the President in writing via email or postal mail, or in person at a board meeting at least 2 weeks prior (14 days) before the election begins.

Election Process

In order to be elected for one of the 5 Executive Board postions you must first be nominated as outlined above.

During the month of May a sealed election box will be located at Los Coyotes to collect ballots. In order to complete a ballot for your candidate you must be a member of the league and sign in. You will then be isssued one ballot to cast your vote. You may only vote once for one candidate for each postion open. Any ballots that have more than one candiate marked for a single position will not be counted.

At the close of the balloting all of the ballots will be counted in the presence of the President by no less than two responsible board members. The candidates will then be notified of the outcome.

Any disputes regarding the nominations, election process, or outcome of the election must be submitted in writing to the board within 72 hours in order to be considered and heard.

Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at all meetings of the League membership and at all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League; shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees and shall perform such other duties as are normally associated with the office of President. The President shall not vote on any matter before the Board except in the event of a tie.

Vice President
The Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President; shall otherwise assist the President in the performance of the President's duties and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President is the chairperson or and shall preside over the Baseball Rules Committee.

The Secretary shall have custody of the Constitution and Bylaws, and all other records of the League; shall keep an accurate record of the meetings and other activities of the League and of the Board of Directors; shall be responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the League and shall transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.

The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds with the approval of the Board of Directors; shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the League; shall submit a financial report at all regular meetings and at such other times as may be requested by the President; shall compile an annual report of League finances and supervise the submission of annual taxes; shall provide the books of the League and such other documentation as requested for the annual audit and shall transmit all financial records to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office. The Treasurer shall maintain contact with the President, Vice President, and Player Agent regarding player eligibility based on payment of fees.

Player Agent
The Player Agent shall organize and supervise the annual registration of player candidates, tryout sessions and distribution of players among League teams and shall maintain a written and numbered listing of eligible players not assigned to teams who may be available as replacement players. The player agent shall also maintain a list of players that are not eligible because they have not paid their registration fees. Player agent shall maintain registration of manager candidates and present manager applications to the Board of Directors for ratification.

The above listed duties should not be considered a complete list of duties. It should however be considered a cursory list of duties.